User talk:Hubris

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Revision as of 18:38, 7 May 2009 by Pedersen (talk | contribs) (rambling)
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Hey Martin (I assume?), I get a permission error when I try to download Hubris. ("Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page.") I know sometimes you've posted bots that you only wanted running from your clients, so I thought nothing of it at first, but now that I see it's gotten no battles, I thought I should let you know... Nice to see you posting a new version, good luck, --Voidious 14:05, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Hm that's odd. I'll have to provide it from another location I guess. Yeah it's me .. the 'email me my password' feature failed so I made a new account. --Hubris

  • It should work now. The dumb file management interface for Comcast has a public / private flag that defaults to private. New since the last time I've uploaded anything to Comcast.

He he, I start to wonder why many old robocoders start to remember the Robocode again. I'm going to post the {{Welcome}} to you but luckily I see the package name first (which make me know it is you). Maybe asking Voidious to recover your password is posible? (@Voidious, script is at maintenance/changepassword.php) » Nat | Talk » 15:03, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Now that I've gotten into work, where the password is remembered, I am reminded by its length what it is, so no need to get the email thingy working on my account. As far as what makes me remember Robocode, I have kept my source code on a USB drive since .. well since my first, a 256meg deal that I just retired in favor of a 4gig. The old one worked just fine but I grabbed the bigger one for a web site relocation that I ended up not doing, but I digress. Lots of stuff I still mean to program, and lots that I mean to program more elegantly. For example, I had a 'find the points of intersection of two circles' that worked but was really large and probably slow. I replaced it with a few lines of code that gives me what I really wanted, the angular distance.
public BearingOffsetRange getRangeOfIntersection( Circle other ) {
	BearingOffsetRange bearingOffsetRange = null;
	double d = this.getDistance( other ).distance();
	double r2 = other.radius();
	if( d != 0.0 && Constraints.isInRange( d - r2, this.r, d + r2 ) ) {
		double x = ( this.rSquared - r2 * r2 + d * d ) / ( d + d );
		double y = Math.sqrt( this.rSquared - x * x );
		double theta = Math.atan( y / x );
		bearingOffsetRange = new BearingOffsetRange( -theta, theta );
	return bearingOffsetRange;

Stuff like that. You can see it at work as my wave crashes over my opponent (whom I represent as a circle rather than a box), assuming you enable painting and press 'w' to tell Hubris to paint its waves. I use it to measure the range of angles that would have scored a hit.

I've still got my white whales that I can't let go, such as bullet shielding.

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