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Revision as of 14:32, 4 August 2009 by Nat (talk | contribs) (my story)
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Who else dislikes realizing doing some refactoring would be for the best, when they really have an urge to just want to get some functioning code out there? After some work on my melee bot today, I ended up coming to the conclusion that while my old enemy tracking framework I had in SaphireEdge didn't break with the less frequent scans of melee (and in fact my wave tracking code needed only a one line bugfix to support melee firing detection), it was poorly architectured to naturally support some of the things I wanted to do with interpolation of enemy ticks not scanned. Due to that I'm now rewriting large parts of my enemy tracking code. But man, I really don't want to, I just want to get something on the battlefield that works better than my old MiniSurreptitious. Who else knows this feeling? Any stories of refactoring woes? --Rednaxela 4:26, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Well, I did know this feeling very well. I think I know one robot which really need a lot of refactoring (I'm looking at you, User:Skilgannon =)) My own BlackHole, at first I tried to split the Wave Surfing part into small parts (from the base of BasicSurfer). But when I'm developing them, I'm too lazy to split them all up. It is now really messy and I have one BIG bug in the second wave surfing which make it act very awful. When I tried to fix it, result in far worse movement. I can't fix them now since I don't know where I changed them and I'm so careless that I have very unmeaningful variable names. I'm too lazy to figure it out so I decide to leave it as it is.

Another thing I have is my own buffer system. I've finished a good VCS buffers system that allow me to add/change them easily (easier than DrussGT's). But when I decide to add support for thee Dynamic Clustering and Neural Network buffer, I rewrote it and I can't finish it. I think we've got the same things here. (along with Bulky Project Demotivation) » Nat | Talk » 12:32, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

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