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ShizPair and JointStrikeForce have a bot .jar file within their team .jar files, I'm guessing that's the issue. I'll try to fix them and repackage Valkiries under a new version this evening. --Voidious 16:26, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
1st participants entry was being missed?009:23, 13 June 2021
jeremyreeder.collective.DuoLedByDroid 1.0 and gh.twin.GrauwuarG 0.41419:46, 12 May 2012

1st participants entry was being missed?

Noticed that for a while LunarTwins wasn't getting run. For some reason despite being on the page here it wasn't ending up in the participTwinduel.txt file of the roborumble client. I tested and it seems adding an extra blank line at the start of the participants list seems to fix it. Seems like probably a small rumble client bug. For some reason doesn't affect the other rumble participants lists despite no extra newline at the start of them. In any case it's worked around for now.

Rednaxela (talk)09:23, 13 June 2021

jeremyreeder.collective.DuoLedByDroid 1.0 and gh.twin.GrauwuarG 0.41

Something isn't working with this two teams. If you look at the scores DuoLedByDroid is allways winning with 100|100. For DuoLedByDroid i get "Can't find robot: jeremyreeder.collective.BlindMan*" all the time so it fights only with one bot. Probably the reason why it has such a bad score. My guess is that GrauwuarG is looking for two bots and if he can't find the bots he gets somehow stucked. If i try it manually with the latest robocode client it loads both teams and nothing is wrong.

Wompi01:00, 12 May 2012

Hmm, it sounds to me like this is the problem bug tracker id 3468437

It seems that the version of Robocode that packaged DuoLedByDroid had a funny bug. The easiest fix (besides removing it from the rumble) would be re-packaging the robot with a newer version of Robocode, or manually tweaking the .jar to remove the * from the robot name.

Rednaxela04:53, 12 May 2012

If we repackage the team, do we need another hosting place? I agree to save the team somehow, because the twinRumble has quite a few participants. Maybe, if we do it, we should change the version number to, so the score will new generated for this team.

Wompi10:37, 12 May 2012

There, just put in a fixed version, hopefully that works out.

Rednaxela16:17, 12 May 2012

Well, this worked out pretty well. Thanks for being so careful to the robocode community :)

Wompi19:46, 12 May 2012