User talk:Axe/RoboLeague Analyser

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Hey, thanks man, this seems incredibly useful! The only thing I really needed to change so far is to use bot.replaceAll("\\*", "dev") in the filename portion of, since my dev versions always have *'s in the version number, and it chokes on that for a filename. This is just the kind of dev tool I needed right now... Somehow, PEZ's xslt template thing never works for me, and this is a bit more flexible, as well. -- Voidious

I posted it elsewhere on the wiki, but I should post it here too. I made a couple of small changes to Axe's extremely helpful league analyser program, and you can get my version here: ... Instructions are the same as the rest of the page. The differences are:

  • Understands a * in the filename, replaces *'s in the output filename with the string 'dev'.
  • Prints overall average percent at the end of the printed output.

-- Voidious

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