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Fragment of a discussion from Robowiki talk:About
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There is some differnces between new and old wikis.

The old one had some special api enabled. Specificly there were working two special urls

they allowed to check for incremental changes.

They also gave access to rss reader.

Beaming (talk)21:54, 20 April 2020

Ok, I'm not sure how that was set up exactly. It is better not to have php files in the root namespace, or using directory defaults for file access. But there is now:

This should have what you need.

Skilgannon (talk)22:05, 20 April 2020

This seems to work. Let's keep it during migration stage. Once users are back and rediscover new mechanism, we can put it back to wiki pristine way of handling apis.

Beaming (talk)22:09, 20 April 2020