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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Épéeist
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Turns out that version also had a bug, but it is up now, bullet power 2.66666 and 247 bytes, just need to wait for results. I also noticed that the LiteRumble hasn't properly stabilised the nanorumble, so we'll need to wait for that to happen too. I re-enabled priority battles for all of the rumbles (it was off for the nanos, micros and minis), it seems that my 'it will give them all battles' theory didn't mesh with a lossy 'eventually correct' implementation.

Skilgannon22:08, 20 March 2013

FYI I have a client running, but it lacks a bunch of bots with broken URLs on the participants list. One of us should take a pass at fixing those sometime. I'll see about it in the next couple days if nobody else does.

Voidious22:09, 20 March 2013

Can't you just dump the contents of the latest zip from Rednaxela's site?

Skilgannon22:14, 20 March 2013

Yeah, maybe I'll just do that for now, but I definitely want to fix any broken links on the participants lists too. On first pass I wanted to build the minimal set required for a superpack so I had it download everything individually.

Voidious22:18, 20 March 2013