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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Basilisk
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When you are bullet shielding, you cannot cover the whole bot width. You don't have enough time to move to get the perfect angle so your actual goal is to predict(no learning is used generally) where the enemy fires. :When using bullet shadows what you do is: "My bullet was here, if there were any other bullets in this zone they would have collided. Therefore, the opponent didn't fire here.
In conclusion, bullet shadows guarantee that you won't be hit in that area while bullet shielders aim to predict where the opponent fires at.
Dsekercioglu (talk)08:53, 19 April 2019

It seems that bullet shadows are used for information purposes rather than a defensive technique. However, if you are firing to create large bullet shadows rather than hit the enemy, could the bullet shadow be wide enough to hide in? Thanks!

Slugzilla (talk)21:19, 19 April 2019