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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:BeepBoop
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That's really cool, I didn't see that! I also built a bullet power simulator that took into account discrete firing, bullet flight time, etc. However, it didn't use tree search: I just did monte-carlo rollouts of running it a couple hundred times and averaging the results, so it's probably much slower than yours! It's not used in BeepBoop, but I did use it to validate that BeepBoop's fast estimates assuming continuous time, normal distribution for hitrate, etc. were about right. For example, here and here are some plots showing that BeepBoop's approximations work pretty well, although not perfectly and with some edge cases (it says file uploads are disabled so I can't add them to the wiki). I sometimes see interesting emergent behavior from BeeBoop like firing high-power bullets when it's losing, presumably either to get more bullet damage and take less bullet damage before it dies or in the hope that a lucky high-power hit turns things around.

--Kev (talk)19:31, 23 June 2021

I think I got uploading working... give it a try and let me know.

Skilgannon (talk)23:49, 23 June 2021