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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Darkcanuck/RRServer/Ratings
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Taking that a step further, you could take the probability of a data point being wrong and look at how many of those are coming from each user, and over a certain threshold, all their uploads (or all within X hours of this happening) are ignored. (Or an email is fired off to Darkcanuck to look into it. =)) I like the idea of public page listing outlier results, too.

The median idea also seems good though, and very simple. I'd be curious to see if/how much the Rumble scores change using median instead of mean. My guess is by no noticeable amount.

Voidious18:52, 16 February 2012

The deviations from all data points for each uploader could be combined into a statistic about how "suspicious" each uploader is and then list it in a public page. I thought about that too.

But median is simple, with robust statistics theory backing it and fully automated. No need to bother Darkcanuck unless the server is attacked with tons of bad uploads.

MN20:26, 16 February 2012