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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:DeBroglie/Version History
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(Sorry for the lateness of the reply. My ISP is having issues.)

It's been downhill since rev0056, mostly because of me fiddling with the flattener when I should have been addressing more basic issues.

Some things I was doing with my histogram were starting to cause lots of skipped turns. I couldn't bring the surfing resolution below ~3 pixels (equivalent... 1/13th of a precise intersection width) without getting mired in hundreds of skipped turns per 35 round match. Blegh.

So it was time to rewrite that kludgy histogram class. Along the way, I went all-in on Gaussian kernel density calculations. Seems to have been a great boon on the majority of the Rumble field.. and really really hurt me against top bots. *chuckles*

Tkiesel17:05, 25 June 2012