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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:LiteRumble
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I would like a query which returns the full pairing matrix, with scores from all pairings. Number of battles from all pairings would also de nice.

Probably the costliest query anyone could ask.

MN16:14, 25 March 2013

Unfortunately, that would take more memory than I have available in a frontend, and frontends only give me 10 seconds to respond or the process gets killed. Besides, all I'd be doing in the background is doing a Rankings query to get all N of the bot names, then N x BotDetails queries to get all of the pairwise data, so it's nothing that you wouldn't be able to do just as effectively with the tools you already have.

If you do something like this, I'd ask that you put a half-second delay between all of the BotDetails queries just to leave spare capacity for client uploading.

But I agree, it would be quite interesting to see what trends etc could be found in the data.

Skilgannon16:22, 25 March 2013

It would be used mostly to try different ranking systems over the scores, and to build custom priority battles systems.

MN16:40, 25 March 2013

For building batch rankings systems I can understand, but it would take too long to do priority battles, which need to be run much more regularly.

Skilgannon16:44, 25 March 2013