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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:LiteRumble
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Any of these divisions sounds pretty interesting to me. I think the main hurdle is just getting that first person to write up a 3x3 team or add TwinMelee support to one of their bots. =) Nobody wants to commit the time if nobody else is going to compete, but if someone just does it, I bet others would follow suit...

I'm kind of caught up in my Diamond refactor right now, but maybe I'll make time for something fun soon. ;) Or try running a PerceptualRumble client just for kicks.

Voidious22:40, 29 May 2012

Combat can perform okayish in almost any battle setup, having to change the packaging only. With the exception of handicapped setups like restricted codesize, PerceptualRumble or ExtendsRobot.

MN20:12, 30 May 2012