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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Neuromancer
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I guess, in melee you have to be careful with wave surfing taken from 1v1, because you can not just move to the least dangerous position. The field changes sometimes very quickly, especially in the first rounds, that it would be better to do some sort of weighting between defense and offense. Most bots that only avoiding confrontations get caught on a local maximum and if the whole field changes it position they are in a very bad position. A nice example is, if Wallaby goes for a corner and moves closer and closer, most bots get out of the corner because the risk raises and end up in the open field. I guess a well weighted wave surfing combined with a nice minimum risk would be awesome if not to say superior :). Just my 2cents.

My observation for simple targeters is, that because of the radar sweeps most guns shoot not straight HOT or linear. There is always a little shift. Especially nano bots have not very reliable (from defenders point of view) simple targeting. The fact that most nano bots don't have the setAdjustXX() methods set is also one thing that they don't shoot 'straight'.

Wompi20:14, 24 August 2012