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Oculus doesn't have such problem because it does some checking to be sure that the bullet would hit %100 if enemy movement predicted correctly.
Something like this
boolean fire = (gunHeat == 0 && a.getGunTurnRemainingRadians() < 18 / (currentBattleInfo.distance -18));
Dsekercioglu (talk)10:23, 30 August 2017

I would say just use getGunTurnRemainingRadians() == 0, as any deviation would decrease your hit rate if your statistics is right.

Xor (talk)10:56, 30 August 2017

In the next version I will make it even more precise(with anti-bullet shielding of course). This version uses the angular bot width.

Dsekercioglu (talk)11:11, 30 August 2017