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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble/Enter The Competition
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Most top bots simply use all segments at the same time, but with different weights. They are usually tuned offline.

There are some top bots using 2 sets of segments. 1 for a general purpose gun and 1 for an anti-surfer gun. And the best set of segments is estimated on-the-fly.

MN (talk)06:08, 5 December 2016

MN thank you. I used all the datas the average hit rate increased like % 0.8. After I added auto-tuning for setting weights and average hit rate increased about %0.9.

Dsekercioglu (talk)21:20, 5 December 2016

The 2 segments which differ most between different opponents are the real/virtual wave segment and the data decay (time) segment. These are the 2 usually separated between "general purpose" and "anti-surfer" sets of segments.

Note that using many different targeting strategies for different situations may slow down learning speed (time wasted auto-tuning the gun for the optimal strategy). Because of this, most top bots use only 1 or 2 guns.

MN (talk)23:30, 5 December 2016

I don't create a new gun and start it from the beginning. I test the segments alone and when they hit I multiply it with a default. So it keeps learning and uses the same kd-tree all the time. Also according to my results it increases learning.

This is the code of Tuning:(There are more code for intersection but the most simple one is this)

           if (Tools.getDistance(currentX, currentY, myXD, myYD) < 72) {
               AntiBotTuner.movementScores[index] *= 1.1;

Usage of weights:

double diff = Math.abs(p1[index] - p2[index]) * dsekercioglu.AntiBotTuner.movementScores[i];

In the future versions I will also use an Anti-Surfer Gun.

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:26, 6 December 2016