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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble/Enter The Competition
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Now I have my bot in dropbox but it doesn't look like the links of other robots my link is this "". but other robots have links like dl.dropbox.

Dsekercioglu (talk)13:03, 9 July 2016

I forget to say. Now I know how to put in roborumble just having problems with the site

Dsekercioglu (talk)13:04, 9 July 2016

I've done it. The link is perfect. just one more question. How many hours it takes until a added robot gets into the competition. (very bad english sorry)

Dsekercioglu (talk)15:24, 9 July 2016

Hi, the link doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe try putting it in your Shared folder, then right-click, "get public link" or something similar and use that for the url.

Skilgannon (talk)07:07, 14 July 2016

Thank you very much it didn't worked I tried it in a different way if it doesn't work I will try it your way

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:40, 20 August 2016

And thanks for the robots you have made. They helped meet Improve very much. (Not from code I didn't understand anything)

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:42, 20 August 2016

Just one more question I battled DrussGT against Diamond in 5000 round battle in robocode.command but Diamond gets %92. Is it because of robocode.

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:48, 20 August 2016

I understood it I use a mac and I use java 7

Dsekercioglu (talk)15:56, 21 August 2016

I understood I use a mac and java 7

Dsekercioglu (talk)15:57, 21 August 2016

I am sorry to say, but I do not understand your question. Could you please reword it?

Beaming (talk)01:51, 22 August 2016

Hi, If the roborumble server saves the results. Is there a way to change the current rankings with it because I've made a very big mistake(Deleted Bots).

Dsekercioglu (talk)21:12, 22 January 2017