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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble/Participants
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Do not worry, it is already gone. It just take a bit of time for rumble to process it.

By the way, you can add flag for your bot.

Beaming (talk)07:37, 26 August 2017

No it is still there. And it is not removed because the literumble says ERROR. name/game does not exist: aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h knn/roborumble

If you see, and search, there will be 3 SimpleBot, as the old ones are failed to remove.

the problem is not in roborumble@home, as the request body is version=1&game=roborumble&name=aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h_knn&dummy=NA which is raw data.

But the server handles version numbers with underscores badly, the server thinks it is "aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h knn".

Xor (talk)07:49, 26 August 2017

Hmm, yeah, LiteRumble itself seems to see the versions correctly. The rankings, anyway. I'm not sure if it's a client bug encoding the URL or the bot removal endpoint on the server that has a parsing bug (or both, even). In any case, I think we may need Skilgannon to manually retire the old bots, or maybe tell us how to do it.

Voidious (talk)15:33, 26 August 2017