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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRunner
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I don't think the name should be interpreted as a regex anywhere or anything like that. I think that whatever comes back from robotResults.getRobot().getNameAndVersion() in BattleListener should be handled by the rest of the code OK. The other points of concern that come to mind are:

  • Copying the dev bot into the Robocode install directories means copying your package dir and classes into the robots dirs of each Robocode install, which is not as simple as copying one file. (Unless you have them all configured to look at some other directory?)
  • Assuming Robocode can find it, checking whether the dev bot you specify is actually running in the battles.

For the second point, you could try:

  • Modifying BattleProcess to do _engine.setVisible(true), so you could see the battles that get run.
  • Run robowiki.runner.BattleProcess (with -path to Robocode, -rounds, -width, -height) and try running battles with your dev bot. BattleProcess is a command line application where you can type in a comma delimited list of bots (like " 0.43,voidious.Diamond 1.8.1") and it runs the battle and spits out the result.

And yeah, I'm liking GitHub too! I know PEZ is a big fan, though he's not doing Robocode stuff. I didn't know about GitX, I'll have to give that a shot. Maybe it will encourage me to make better use of branches. ;)

Voidious23:17, 23 August 2012