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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Robocode/Graphical Debugging
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It's happening in onScannedRobot()

Generally speaking, can I use onPaint() as a guide to having my picture of the battlefield properly placed? I guess that question boils down to "Do Robocode's own graphics and onPaint() happen at substantially the same time relative to the bots/bullets progressing from tick to tick?" If so, then proper alignment of my debug graphics with the screen means I'm getting things created/updated at the right times.

When my onPaint() draws my waves, breaking waves display their current min/max precise intersection angles. It was a beautiful moment when I saw that happening, and it looked accurate right down to the pixel (or as close as the naked eye gets) on the bot's bounding box. I'm just hoping that moment of "huzzah!!" wasn't in vain. ;)

Tkiesel17:11, 17 May 2012