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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Robocode/Graphical Debugging
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Mine is setup for speed version and I tried single, double and triple buffering and I am pretty sure that my machine is not the slowest one(3.1 Ghz CPU but yours is probably a lot faster). It is probably because of the text they are rendering.

Dsekercioglu (talk)19:10, 24 July 2018

I have a really poor machine and they still run smoothly here. Things get laggy only when in melee.

Rsalesc (talk)04:11, 25 July 2018
Thanks for the response, I generally have NetBeans running when I am testing my robots but I just tried it without NetBeans and it is still running with about 5 FPS.
One thing I have noticed is that low FPS only happens when a bot is rendering text. In any case, can you send me your rendering options?
Maybe just our understanding of "running smoothly" is different.=)
Dsekercioglu (talk)09:58, 25 July 2018

By smooth I mean it's at least 30 fps (or 60 fps at best). Actually those bot gets 22 fps, but still smooth enough comparing to 5 fps.

I used to notice FPS drop when text are drawn, but recently that's no longer noticeable.

note that I run robocode with these JVM parameters:

    -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true"My Robocode"
Xor (talk)15:54, 25 July 2018

An interesting thing is that whatever value I set to


The graphics performance never changes

Xor (talk)16:13, 25 July 2018