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1. You are partly sure about your own true surfing movement, as you already know most of the information that determines the intersection point.

2. New information definitely can't affect past decisions, but you can always do your best with existing information.

At least before our bullet hit, our movement is mostly determined by the bullets already in air, which is a good news.

Xor (talk)16:44, 2 November 2017

If the optimal point is somewhere between my current point and moving full speed clockwise, for example, I really don't know the intersection point if I allow hitting the brakes. I know the direction, though, which is sufficiently relevant to do some reasonable approximation, which is OK for this use case IMO.

Rsalesc (talk)16:49, 2 November 2017

You can always play your own movement forward right? Although that's too expensive. Anyway, some fast approximation is ok, e.g. Your movement is moving mostly in that direction, and it should be safe to always use that direction instead as approximation, as what you said, you know the overall direction ;)

Xor (talk)17:11, 2 November 2017

Yeah, sure, even though, if I'd decide to use anything related to my own movement I would probably try a GoTo style movement first.

Rsalesc (talk)17:36, 2 November 2017

Yeah, that’s a wise choice ;)

Xor (talk)18:03, 2 November 2017