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That's impressive! Knight has just caught up with Roborio 1.2.3 (which has no BS), and it has all of these features. It seems that I really have problems with doing baby steps in Robocode :P Your patience to climb the RR bit by bit amazes me, and now I see that coming on melee. No way you won't give a hard time to Cb and Skilgannon. Congratulations!

Rsalesc (talk)09:02, 3 October 2017

Thanks! And congratulations on the achievement of Knight! I tried some refactor in the past but soon went back to the old one, it seems rather hard to catch up with the old one with a full rewrite, but your success motivated me! Waiting for an amazing competition in both 1v1 and melee!

Xor (talk)09:17, 3 October 2017

What a great achievement, congratulations! It's really nice to see so many improvements happening and I am excited about your next updates, in 1vs1 as well as in melee :)

Cb (talk)11:46, 3 October 2017

Thanks! It’s also exciting to see a new melee king ;)

Xor (talk)11:55, 3 October 2017