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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:ScalarBot/Version History
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Yes I see ScalarBot hitting the wall quite often in the initial of the round, but I never noticed that the gun could turn in the opposite direction because of this. Is the gun turning away from the enemy?

Xor (talk)17:13, 22 October 2017
Yes, I took a screenshot but I don't know how to put it in the wiki. =)
It also turns it radar in the opposite direction.
Dsekercioglu (talk)17:14, 22 October 2017

You can use Special:Upload ;)

Btw, does that happen before first scan, or is that in the middle of the round?

Xor (talk)17:21, 22 October 2017

I think that it is in the middle of the round. Rechner's energy was 80 and ScalarBot's was 20. I'm sure that it didn't lose energy by hitting.

Dsekercioglu (talk)18:04, 22 October 2017

Just had a look in my radar — it never ever handles lose of scan. So if I ever skipped a turn, the radar may lose scan forever.

Btw, which version of ScalarBot are you testing? And are you running the robocode with Java 9?

Xor (talk)18:32, 22 October 2017

And is the radar and gun still turning when you take the snapshot? I think it may turn forever if it lost scan.

Btw, is your battlefield 800 x 600?

Xor (talk)18:36, 22 October 2017

It is 800x600 battlefield, ScalarBot 012n2.4.7 and Java 8.

Dsekercioglu (talk)19:14, 22 October 2017

Thank you, I uploaded it.

Dsekercioglu (talk)18:08, 22 October 2017