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Amazing part about polluting that it makes the top bot vulnerable. If you look at MoxieBot it performs better against the top bots (relative to its APS neighbors). Unfortunately, MoxieBot has a bug which does not let it shine in the current rumble.

I recall I once made a mistake of counting virtual bullets as successful hits without looking at bullet hit bullet events. Bullet shielders just exterminated my bot. Since I was shooting at the most probable GF but it was protected by the shield.

Beaming (talk)18:52, 16 October 2017

I am always shooting at the most probable GF, I just know how to bend the trajectory just enough to hit what I want (saw it in a movie with A. Jolie)

GrubbmGait (talk)20:14, 16 October 2017

But is your most probable GF precise enough? I.e. if the bin width is high you might miss the shield. Do I take your joke too seriously? :)

Beaming (talk)20:55, 16 October 2017

You don't know about TurnBulletLeft/Right ? Can only be used when you have a Bullet object though, and it has a very low turningrate.

Shielders I rip apart, as they expect dead-headon, Shadowers are much more difficult, as the shadow will not always be where they go to.

GrubbmGait (talk)02:19, 17 October 2017

Where is TurnBulletLeft/Right? =)

Xor (talk)02:44, 17 October 2017

It is a hidden gem deep inside of robocode API. You can use it only once per shot. Unfortunately, robocode, in the spirit of ancient masters of Kung fu, shows it up only to people who do robocoding more than 10 years :)

Beaming (talk)04:43, 17 October 2017

I don't think it's the fault of top bots, rather, it's just because it's neighbours are exploited by the top bots.

Xor (talk)06:27, 17 October 2017