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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Talon/source
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Well it still knocks into walls a good bit, but less then my prototype. But it doesn't hang up on them either. Which is nice. If you are okay, we can brand it wiki or a cs.sheldor and enter it. See how a nano Minimum Risk Movement does.

Chase19:54, 22 February 2013

The table could use a bit of tweaking, and I have a weird feeling that there's something better right under my nose, but let's go ahead and release it.

I'd be happy with just a mention in the comments, but I like the sound of cs.sheldor.Talon. Or, since we are both from the USA, we could emulate Nemo and name it usa.Talon. Whichever you prefer.

Sheldor20:29, 22 February 2013