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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:XanderCat
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Thank you! I've put a lot of time into it, and it's been a lot of fun. Are there any other high ranked multi-mode robots? I got the impression that there are not too many. I'm happy to add another. :-)

Skotty21:21, 22 November 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 23:11, 22 November 2011

Congrats indeed! Y'know, at one point RougeDC was bordering at the top-10, but these days the top-10 is much trickier!

About multi-mode robots, what about flatteners? I think all top-10 robots with the lone exception of Scarlet use a flattener, and personally I consider a flattener to be a form of multi-mode technically :P

Rednaxela22:21, 22 November 2011

Tomcat also has no flattener, which can be treated as multi-mode. Tomcat is more continously adapt his behavior to dodging or flattening, than turn on or turn of flattener by some events

Jdev07:06, 23 November 2011

I think arguing that a flattener is multi-mode functionality is reasonable, though I think the majority of people would not consider it so. On the flip side, someone could argue that my robot is only marginally multi-mode, despite it various "scenarios", as about 95% of the time it is using the default gun array, and about probably 70% of the time it is using the default wave surfing drive.

Skotty22:51, 22 November 2011

Congrats from me to, although I am not so happy that my (flattenerless) robot now is pushed out of the top-10 again. But I must warn you, this triggers the drive to do some real changes instead of tweaking. ;-)

GrubbmGait23:55, 22 November 2011