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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Alex 2oo8
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Here is a small discussion a month ago about the codesize working wrong with MiniBots. And I don't think it is working right on my side. After every my upload the number of minis increases to around 240 and now in the minimelee I can see robots like Neuromancer and Shadow, but they definitely don't fit into mini size. Anyway, I have no idea how to fix it.

About the new versions of robots, I think there is no need in restart, the local rumble updates the bots every 3(?) iterations. For example, I haven't restarted mine for some days and now it anyway plays battles with the latest version of your bot.

Alex 2oo8 (talk)19:43, 27 August 2014

Hmm - I'll probably archive what I've got on my end at some point this evening and find a way to get it to you. Then we can can at least identify what might be causing me to prune them and you to push them up.

Awesome, I had no idea the bots would be updated every 3 iterations. I'll stop worrying about resets... thanks a bunch for that insight.

Gralth (talk)19:56, 27 August 2014