Thread history

From User talk:Chad N
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Time User Activity Comment
17:48, 15 September 2011 Chad N (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Welcome)
16:44, 15 September 2011 Voidious (talk | contribs) New thread created  

Hey, welcome to the wiki! That might be the single biggest jump I've ever seen in the RoboRumble. :-)

can.Pookie 1.1 posted. RoboRumble: 210th (+276), 62.8% (+15.98). MiniRumble: 53rd (+134), 70.18% (+15.06). [1]

Feel free to makes pages about yourself and your bots. Good luck!

Voidious16:44, 15 September 2011

Thanks. Pookie 1.0 had a rather stupid and obvious bug that prevented adaptive guns.

Chad N17:48, 15 September 2011