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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Chase-san
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I think that's a good idea, and is something David Alves had slated for =), but everyone else's ratings would still change as the population changes, just as APS does. I was just saying that is unavoidable, and not an anomalous side-effect of some weird scoring formula, like ELO rating drift.

Voidious16:19, 5 November 2012

Avoiding ratings drifts due to population increase is hard to workaround, and the anchor competitor is the only way I know.

But avoiding ratings drifts due to re-submits (everyone´s rating going down) can be avoided by centering everyone around a constant number, like 1600, or around a single anchor competitor.

MN17:53, 5 November 2012

If I had to pick an anchor, I would go with something like SandboxDT, RaikoMX or some other classic robot.

Chase08:05, 14 December 2012