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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Clipka
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Actually, it is PerfectLoser that is just like mn.SuperSittingDuck. I was the one who put all the sample bots in the rumble, including SittingDuck, put all the super sample bots, and created a bot which loses to both Worst and SittingDuck. This bot even had a Java 1.5/1.6 incompatibility bug in version 1.0.0, corrected in 1.0.1, and with team/duel versions in 1.0.2.

The purpose of all this was to add a bit of humor in the rumble. And it even gave rise to Shadow/Melee_Gun in melee (Why waste my energy trying to hit Diamond when SittingDuck is there just a little bit further asking to be killed?).

The problem is simply copy-and-pasting what I did into PerfectLoser. There is no fun in that, like there is no fun in simply copy-and-pasting DrussGT under a different name.

MN16:25, 21 September 2012

Well, submitting my PerfectLoser seemed fun enough to me, because - believe it or not - when I wrote it I didn't know your SuperSittingDuck at all (except that it ranked lower than SittingDuck in the rumble).

Clipka23:06, 21 September 2012