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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Jdev/Code/TimeProfiler
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Well :). I'm running (as usual) in very strange issues with System.nanoTime(). Maybe you can help me out with that. Looking at the sample table below your code, the max values look a little bit strange to me. I'm sure you are not spending 33ms on something. Using your class myself i run in the same issue. Therefore i spend some time to dig it out. To me it looks like the System.nanoTime() is not very reliable because it sometimes give simple wrong time differences back. Some quick googling on this issue shows that there are some different opinions on that :(. This might be have to do with the multi core structure on my mac and the time is grabbed from different cores ... who knows.

On the other hand, if this is true, than it could be that some issues with the skipped turns are also coming from this time glitch.

Of course, i can totally be wrong and missing some point here. Thats why i ask for a second thought :)

Take Care

Wompi19:10, 5 July 2012

System.nanoTime() accuracy depends heavily on your hardware and OS.

MN20:59, 5 July 2012

Yes i guess you are right. But the difference is sometimes up to 100ms and that is clearly out of inaccuracy. I'm really not sure how some java programs can work without a proper time measure, but i'm sure it will work somehow and maybe i should learn a little more about this.

Wompi00:19, 6 July 2012