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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Jdev/Questions
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Hmm normally those shell accounts are for people who want to try if the hardware is appropriate for there software and as far as i know you get a fixed CPU power and most of them should work on a real hardware. It is years ago since i had to do with these stuff so it might be have changed. And you might be right with the horsepower :) i have no idea what todays home cpus can do - it just came into my mind by reading the posts of you both. I'm happy with my 4 year old Macbook :)

Wompi19:13, 20 June 2012

Let's speak, when you will develop mega bot with multiply wave surfing, 30 R-Trees with 500-5000 entries, 7 kD-Trees with 50000 entries, bullet shielding and million other computations:) Actually, i really sometimes think about spending 1000-1500$ on new computer only due to the robocode:)

Jdev20:58, 20 June 2012