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Feel free to inspect the actual command I entered; I pasted it up above.

java -Xmx512M -cp bin:hsqldb.jar roboResearch.CLI -S -t 3 -C challenges/debroglie1.rrc -c "tjk.deBroglie rev0116" -r 35 -s 14

has problems while

java -Xmx512M -cp bin:hsqldb.jar roboResearch.CLI -S -C challenges/debroglie1.rrc -c "tjk.deBroglie rev0116" -r 35 -s 14

does not.

What's odd is that the lines that declare what config will be running (before the actual battles start) seem to indicate that the bot name was read correctly. Again, as I pasted above:

Challenge: deBroglierev108 150-57-95

Bot: tjk.deBroglie rev0116

Alias: null

Rounds: 35

Threads: 3

Type: null

Seasons: 14

But then, a moment later, RoboResearch has " (2)" appended to the end of the bot name. Very odd.

Tkiesel23:08, 19 July 2012