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Wow. I am impressed.

One suggestion: when mouse is on the battlefield window one one see humongous pause symbol right in the center blocking the view. May be putting it somewhere at the conner would be a better idea.

Beaming (talk)03:29, 20 November 2013

Thanks, that's good feedback. If you didn't notice, the controls disappear if the mouse is still for a certain time - I'm basically trying to emulate typical video player behavior. So I think I should probably do two things:

  • Shorten the delay before the controls disappear on desktop (responding to mouse movement).
  • Make the controls graphics smaller on desktop.

As a side note, the timer is actually much longer on tablets because I thought that felt more natural there. Probably because you typically make a lot more ambient mouse movements than touch events to extend the timer.

Voidious (talk)03:41, 20 November 2013

Well, as Skotty mentioned below it is FAST. Sometime player control has no time to disappear and game is already done. May be it is enough to respond on click event in the battle field area for "pause"? We are all sort of used to this behavior in players.

And I second Skotty, it definitely need slow down button. I think it exists in the desktop version.

Beaming (talk)05:05, 20 November 2013

Alright, I think these have been addressed, though I've kept the video player style overlay.

  • Defaults to 30 fps (half speed) with options for faster.
  • On desktop, pause/play controls are smaller and disappear more quickly (by ~30%).
  • All the controls are shifted down a bit.

Thanks to both you guys for the feedback! I'm pretty happy with these changes.

Voidious (talk)03:47, 23 November 2013

I think it is very nice now. The player controls disappears with just a right speed (at least to my taste).

May be a small landing paragraph at the very top would help newcomers. What is this game about and what is its goal.

For example if one just hit run the match (I as I did) it is unclear who wins and why. Since both of the bots just bounced around. And within a few seconds it is all done.

If you do not want a paragraph at least add an about page, since the help page talks only about inner implementations while there are now even the game definition. This is actually turn me away originally from the original desktop version, since at that point even after reading your description here I did not get the philosophy of the game.

I think from newcomer prospective the lua scripting is not the most important part. We all care about SCORES, so let us know what to do to gain points :)

I am sorry to bring sort of negative feedback, but I hope it will help to make the game better.

Beaming (talk)04:05, 23 November 2013

No, I appreciate it! I'll have to give some thought to this. For the web UI, I tried to pick sample stages and bots that would be self-explanatory. But some explanation of the individual stages would still be nice, and/or high level info about the game itself. And maybe Joust isn't a good default stage. I thought its rules would be pretty clear and that it was simple enough that you could make progress in a few minutes. So I may try some other stage selections.

In the desktop app, I think the current stage preview does a pretty good job explaining the gameplay of each stage. Or is it something else that's lacking? Like maybe you mean more the type of thing on Robocode/Game Physics or BerryBots Specs? The API Docs are prominently linked and specify a lot of that stuff, but that's a bit of a firehose vs what you're looking for, I think.

Voidious (talk)04:55, 23 November 2013