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I have done about 164359 battles so far, so about 41090 per client, 10 days in about so multiply that by 3 for a full month, only a total of about 123,270 per client. But that cpu is about twice mine in math, so estimate around 250,000 per client over a period of a month, so 2.5 times yours with a single client (even if you have more then 1 cpu, it only uses 1 cpu worth of cpu time). Times 4 for 4 clients equals about 1 million. This totals to about 10 times yours if you only run a single client, or 5 times with two.

All things being equal. However to answer you're original question. I do not know the exact amount of time it takes, but it isn't very long. Also as long as I stick to only 4 threads, the speed is equivalent to running only 1 thread if my computer is doing nothing else.

Because of intels hyperthreading, you may be able to get away with 5 or 6 threads without much overall hit.

Chase-san23:36, 9 September 2011

Well, thx for the info. That assumes Robocode power scales linearly with benchmark scores, which is something I don't trust, or I wouldn't even be asking this. :-) And comparing RR client battle count is a very rough estimate, too. (Maybe I've done 150k? Don't remember, and who knows what bots or if that was full time...)

If anyone wants to serve up some cold hard battle times and single vs 4-thread comparisons, I'd still much appreciate it!

Voidious00:13, 10 September 2011