close race at #1

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close race at #1

I find it pretty cool that Diamond and DrussGT are so close right now, it's sometimes coming down to the head-to-head score to determine who's ahead. =) (Though I don't find it as cool that it's always DrussGT...)

    Voidious22:35, 17 July 2012

    Yeah, I'm racking my brains for anything which might give me a little edge and have come to the conclusion that my regular, slow, plodding idea/implement/test/release schedule is still the best plan.

    And I'm not sure what is giving me these surprisingly high scores against Diamond. Of course, what I gain there I lose in comparison against deo.FlowerBot. How on earth are you managing to dodge a pattern matcher so well?

      Skilgannon09:16, 18 July 2012

      I similarly kind of took my foot off the gas and decided to just continue my usual development routine. I figure it's going to take more than a minor lead to break away from DrussGT and actually claim the throne. Right now I'm obsessed with matching or beating 1.7.53 by tuning my hit percentage thresholds (flattener, decaying surf stats), because I refuse to rollback to a stupider way of normalizing hit rates. =)

      Diamond scores about 44% vs DrussGT over a lot of battles. I haven't focused on it much lately, but I have in the past and just had no idea what to do to improve. Not sure about FlowerBot... I don't think I've ever watched a battle against him. =)

        Voidious16:56, 18 July 2012