Possible bug report
This is the thread's initial revision.
Heya Voidious,
I think I may have found a bug.
I finished a run of deBroglie rev0130 last night on the test bed you made for me. Score was in the lower 80s.
Just now, I manually made a .rrc testbed with some high performing bots. Started running it, and here's the output. Looks like RoboRunner is carrying over the score from the other challenge file?
~/roborunner $ ./rr.sh -bot tjk.deBroglie rev0130 -c debroglie_mega.rrc -seasons 20
Copying missing bots... 0 JAR copies done!
Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r1... done!
Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r3... done!
Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r2... done!
Challenger: tjk.deBroglie rev0130
Challenge: deBroglie Megabot test
Seasons: 20
Threads: 3
tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs lxx.Tomcat 3.67c: 39.79, took 57.6s, avg: 39.79
Overall score: 81.16, 170.42 seasons
tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs voidious.Diamond 1.8.1: 31.91, took 72.3s, avg: 31.91
Overall score: 80.83, 170.5 seasons
tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs jk.mega.DrussGT 2.7.3: 37.2, took 82.0s, avg: 37.2
Overall score: 80.54, 170.58 seasons