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Revision as of 31 July 2012 at 09:28.
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I don't understand, why would you ever ignore a bulletHitBullet?

    Voidious20:42, 24 July 2012

    I wasn't sure about making a club, but I've been watching for it, and you're at 90.02 APS with 1866 battles and 922 pairings. Congrats. =)

      Voidious21:31, 24 July 2012

      And looks like you're the first to make it stick even after a few thousand battles. Congrats!

        Voidious04:50, 31 July 2012

        And you were only a few hours behind...

        I think with that 'light flattener' it would make sense for it to have very deep rolling depths, similar to a 'typical' VCS gun, considering how often flatteners get new data.

          Skilgannon11:28, 31 July 2012

          Congrats indeed!

          Regarding "why would you ever ignore a bulletHitBullet?", based on the version history it sounds like this was done as a hack to get better HawkOnFire score. It makes sense to me that this would work for that because sometimes HawkOnFire doesn't *exactly* aim at GF=0.0, but if you start trying to dodge a slightly-off-zero location, you're more likely to just barely get hit on the other side of slightly-off-zero.

            Rednaxela23:30, 24 July 2012

            Yup, Rednaxela hit it on the head. HOF shoots fairly off-center surprisingly often, so I relied on my pre-seeded GF0 to dodge. It only ignored BulletHitBullets if there weren't any hits yet (ie, dodging the GF0 was successful).

              Skilgannon15:06, 25 July 2012

              Holy wombat! You guys set the bar very high :). Congrats!

              90+APS on 900+ competitors is, well, very impressive.

                Wompi10:07, 31 July 2012

                Thank you =) Although, I must say, the air is getting very thin up here...

                  Skilgannon11:28, 31 July 2012