calculating confidence of an APS score

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calculating confidence of an APS score

Hey resident brainiacs - I'm displaying confidence using standard error calculations on a per bot basis in RoboRunner now. What I'm not sure of is how to calculate the confidence of the overall score.

If I had the same number of battles for each bot, then the average of all battles would equal the average of all per bot scores. So I think then I could just calculate the overall average and standard error, ignoring per bot averages, and get the confidence interval of overall score that way. But what I want is the average of the individual bot scores, each of which has a different number of battles.

Something like (average standard error / sqrt(num bots)) makes intuitive sense, but I have no idea if it's right. Or maybe sqrt(average(variance relative to per bot average)) / sqrt(num battles)?

This would also allow me to measure the benefits of the smart battle selection.

    Voidious20:45, 13 August 2012

    I don't actually think this can be correctly modelled by a unimodal distribution - you will be adding thin gaussians to fat gaussians, making horrible bumps which don't like to be approximated by a single gaussian mean+stdev. I almost wonder if some sort of Monte-Carlo solution wouldn't be most accurate in this instance - at least the math would be easy to understand.

      Skilgannon23:11, 13 August 2012

      Good call! That was super easy. I don't recall this Monte-Carlo stuff, but the name rings a bell so maybe I learned about it at some point.

      So I calculate 100 random versions of the overall score. For each battle that goes into it, instead of the real score, I generate a random score, assuming a normal distribution using the mean and standard deviation I have for that bot. Then I take the standard deviation of those randomized overall scores and multiply by 1.96 for the confidence interval. Seems like a lot of calculations, but only taking a few hundredths of a second even with 250 bots/3000 battles, so I can afford to do it even when I print the overall score after every battle. Nice!

        Voidious04:03, 14 August 2012

        Now I'm just bummed that it's still +- 0.06 after 3000 battles. :-(

          Voidious04:11, 14 August 2012

          I'm curious - did you use the Monte-Carlo method for calculating the non-smart-battles deviations?

          Also, how long did it take to get the 3000 battles compared to the non-smart-battles?

            Skilgannon08:32, 14 August 2012