Melee Gun Thrashing

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Melee Gun Thrashing

I've observed a few times Neuromancer's gun thrashing pretty badly - sometimes doing a full circle before firing. I'm currently trying to avoid this by accounting for an extra of max(time-till-gun-turns-to-angle,time-till-gunheat-is-0) in my PIF time, but I wonder if anybody else has come up with some way to avoid this problem?

    Skilgannon22:05, 2 September 2012

    So is your firing condition just that the previous tick's aiming completed? And if it didn't, you re-aim? That's all I do and I haven't noticed thrashing, but I don't watch as many Melee battles as I probably should. Projecting extra ticks in the PIF seems like a good idea. Maybe also try adding a factor into the kernel density evaluation that penalizes angles that will make you fire late?

      Voidious22:29, 2 September 2012

      Yeah, that's it. I'm hoping that the extra PIF ticks will cause more spread in the enemy movement, correctly accounting for the increased uncertainty, but I think with the sample sizes we are looking at that isn't really good enough. Perhaps there are points hiding in not going for angles which will take a 180 degree gun rotation, although I really doubt it...

        Skilgannon22:36, 2 September 2012