Speed vs RoboResearch
This is the thread's initial revision.
I'm curious what kind of speed improvements people have seen, if anyone keeps track. Today, in the midst of developing my own UI for RoboRunner, I decided to do a test run to compare RoboRunner vs RoboResearch. I ran MC2K7 Fast Learning challenge against XanderCat 11.6. All data was cleared from the robots directory in both tests. 2 Threads in both cases. RoboResearch ran in 5:30. RoboRunner ran in 3:50. That's about a 30% speed improvement -- pretty dramatic. With dirty data directories where there is a lot of past data, I bet the speed difference would be an order of magnitude more significant. RoboResearch can get pretty slow starting up battles when you haven't cleared out the data for awhile. Results will vary based on the data directories and what kind of robots are being run, but regardless, I think anyone using RoboRunner will see a noticeable speed boost. Very nice.