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Revision as of 17 December 2012 at 16:05.
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What's the secret to beating this guy? The better my robot gets, the lower my score against PrairieWolf gets (current PBI is -25 and getting worse). I'm at a point now where I have a lot of trouble getting over 50 APS against PraireWolf, despite there being a lot of much lower ranked robots that seem to have no trouble at all. I've been mucking around with different aspects of my robot to no avail. I guess I have my new nemesis.

    Skotty18:02, 17 December 2012

    PW has a bunch of movement modes so maybe just one of them is giving you trouble? Have you watched some battles?

    A long time ago a version of Dookious was losing to PrairieWolf. I eventually watched enough to find that PW's "vibrating" movement mode was confusing the heck out of me - I kept trying to shoot ahead of him, not shooting because my gun wasn't turned all the way, then he'd reverse direction and I'd start aiming the other way. So I'd just never shoot.

      Voidious18:05, 17 December 2012