Anyone Have a Huge Challenge File?
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Anyone have a huge challenge file they can post or send to me that includes a large number of rumble participants (anywhere from 100 to 1000)? My biggest one contains 58 opponents and it still sucks bigtime. Okay, call me lazy, but I haven't been willing to hand type out a challenge with hundreds of participants, and I can't access the query API and therefore can't use the test bed maker. I feel like I am abusing the Rumble a bit because of these things, releasing more versions of my robot than I should. Before I go spend an hour or more hand typing out a challenge or writing my own tool to build challenge files, I'm hoping maybe someone just has one they can provide for me? Or maybe someone with Query API access can run a test bed for me?
I'd be happy to run BedMaker for you when I'm home this evening (and/or post some of my bigger .rrc files). Until then, you could try the ones I ran for User:Tkiesel a while back. [1] [2] ("150 bots that deBroglie rev0108 scores 57-95 against")
I'm sure some bots are not currently in the rumble, so it's possible you'll be missing some.
I could get by on those, but if you run me one, I'm thinking maybe 250 bots that XanderCat scores 0-95 against.
Muahaha. It will take forever to run, but by goodness, maybe it will actually be useful this time! Thank you!! Now if I can just figure out how to justify upgrading my old Core 2 Duo with a top of the line i7 processor...
PR: i can share with you my i7 with help of Distributed robocode :)
No problem, and good luck! As for the Robocode-inspired upgrade, I gave up on justifying it and just did it last summer. :-)
I start write Robocode Development Kit this month and currently it's just can download all participitians and genereate challenge files. There're no public available builds, but you can see project here: [1]. If you interesting, i can upload build of it for you.