another "does it make sense to...?" question
This is the thread's initial revision.
I've currently got the bot tracking nicely, and have worked out how to collect and store as much data as I can get from the scanner (x,y,heading,velocity,energy). I know I can also get distance, but if I've understood Pattern Matching correctly I have no real need to store the distance to the bot at the time of scanning.
Anyway, does it make sense to do this for my fire power?
onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent e) { increaseFirePower(); } onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent e) { decreaseFirePower(); }
My motivation is that the bot should conserve energy if it keeps missing, but ramp up the firepower as it scores consecutive hits. Increase and Decrease functions can be pretty much anything (I've currently got them behaving linearly, but there's probably a more optimal equation for the increase/decrease functions).
I think this function is moderately better than simply firing 3.0 all the time, but I haven't looked into the alternatives used by other bots. I'm probably doing a lot of wheel reinvention, but hopefully that's to be expected from a newbie bot author, heh. *wipes sweat from brow*