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Revision as of 20 March 2013 at 23:14.
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Guys, if anybody has some spare CPU-power lying around, could you point it at the 1v1 and melee rumbles? It seems that I was getting bad stability in the mini/micro/nano rumbles, and I've just fixed that, but we have a bunch of pairings which need to be filled in. I also want to see how it handles a higher load, so I know whether it is worth upgrading to paid. Thanks!

    Skilgannon22:12, 20 March 2013

    Sure, I'll go from 1 to 4 in a couple hours. ;)

      Voidious22:14, 20 March 2013

      Seems to handle my four clients ok so far, running mostly/all nano battles too.

      Edit: Oops, not all nano battles. But they're running pretty fast. :-)

        Voidious00:33, 21 March 2013