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Revision as of 23 March 2013 at 20:59.
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Guys, if anybody has some spare CPU-power lying around, could you point it at the 1v1 and melee rumbles? It seems that I was getting bad stability in the mini/micro/nano rumbles, and I've just fixed that, but we have a bunch of pairings which need to be filled in. I also want to see how it handles a higher load, so I know whether it is worth upgrading to paid. Thanks!

    Skilgannon22:12, 20 March 2013

    Sure, I'll go from 1 to 4 in a couple hours. ;)

      Voidious22:14, 20 March 2013

      Seems to handle my four clients ok so far, running mostly/all nano battles too.

      Edit: Oops, not all nano battles. But they're running pretty fast. :-)

        Voidious00:33, 21 March 2013

        Ok, looks like we managed to overload it. ;)

          Voidious04:15, 21 March 2013

          That's from hitting the Read quota. That hasn't happened before, it might have something to do with me clearing the memcache so that I could enable priority battles for mini/micro/nano. The reset is in an hour, let's see what happens ;-)

            Skilgannon08:19, 21 March 2013

            Are there priority battles happening for the lower weight classes? Even Mini 1v1 mostly doesn't have full pairings. Was it just way behind or is it not working correctly?

              Voidious22:59, 23 March 2013

              I've made the plunge, LiteRumble is now on the paid tier. So, open the taps and let's see what this puppy can do!

                Skilgannon09:30, 21 March 2013

                Sweet! Let me know if there's somewhere (eg PayPal) I can drop a donation. :-)

                Also it's probably time we update a bunch of wiki pages to note the LiteRumble as the main rumble server.

                  Voidious15:13, 21 March 2013