Lots of 'Could not load robot' Errors

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Lots of 'Could not load robot' Errors

Is anyone else getting a lot of these errors?

Could not load robot: robot.name.here Skipping battle because can't load robots: robot.name.here, robot.name.here

I looked at the RoboRumble battle history for the bots, and even a few days ago I have battles uploaded for these bots, so I don't really know what the issue is. It could be that from trying to keep the ZIP distribution up to date, somehow the bots got corrupted, but I don't know about that.

Has anyone else had this or a similar issue before?

The bots I'm getting errors on include: pkdeken.Paladin: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ... bayen.UbaRamLT aetos.AetosFirstBot lancel.Lynx bayen.nut.Squirrel yk.JahRoslav ... the list goes on and on, roughly 70% of the attempted battles.

--bwbaugh 05:18, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

    bwbaugh07:18, 3 November 2011

    Have you moved your roborumble directory or your robots directory? In that case you have to delete the '.data' dir and robot.database file from the robots directory.

      GrubbmGait14:00, 3 November 2011

      As I was falling asleep I figured it was that (I ran it once outside of the normal directory before repackaging).

      Thanks! Should be fixed for the next execution cycle.

        bwbaugh17:55, 3 November 2011