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Revision as of 20 May 2013 at 05:51.
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The new versions of NeophytePattern and NeophyteSRAL are up and in the rumble.
Managed to advance Pattern a couple of spots, which is about what I was expecting from my own tests, but the SRAL changes are working surprisingly well. It has risen quite a distance and is now around 8 or 9. It will be interesting to see where it settles down.
[edit] whoops, dropped down to 10. Oh well, still a slight improvement.

I have found a few useful changes to make to PRAL, so hope to have those updates done soon.
[edit] The new PRAL is now up. It looks strong in my testing. I hope the improvements pan out in real competition.
Actually PRAL is my baby, it was one of the first decent ideas I had and I was always disappointed it didn't do better. I found a substantial change and a few tunings to make. This time it might even pass the new and improved version of SRAL :)

    Nz.jdc (talk)07:46, 19 May 2013

    Wow, NeophytePattern just took the PWIN throne from Fuatisha! Very nice!

      Sheldor (talk)17:13, 19 May 2013

      Cool, nice that my updates were good for a place or two, though no chance of catching yatagan or LBB without stealing all their ideas, in which case they would be the same bot, so I'll have to be content where I am unless I get some serious divine inspiration happening.

      Actually I am very impressed with Sabreur (and also caligula). Way back I noted I had problems with SledgeHammer and other rambots. Sabreur has very strong movement and quite close range. Anything that its linear gun and luck can't hit eventually gets rammed into a draw. Amazing how highly that simple logic can place when its movement is good enough.

      NeophytePRAL seems to have stabilised at 7th, which I am very happy with. I think it is the highest ranked nano that does not use a pattern gun or ramming. Ironicly now I have re-analysed/corrected/improved the gun logic in SRAL and PRAL it is now evident (doh! supprised I managed not to realise for years) that they are actually very similar and use different mechanisms to achieve a similar result. Cousins indeed.

        Nz.jdc (talk)07:51, 20 May 2013