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Revision as of 17 November 2011 at 12:48.
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Just found this page. I think your algorithm is basically the same as DCBot algorithm, which is first generation of PIF algorithm used in Robocode. In case you didn't know, most PIF robot right now use algorithm described in PIF page, which is faster than this algorithm.

    Nat Pavasant14:08, 17 November 2011

    Maybe i do not understand translating algorithm. How many iterations do translating algorithm for bullet, which will hit after 30 turns (according to my tests it's avarage bullet flight time for Tomcat)?
    I do not remeber exactly, but interpolating algorithm do about 4-7 iterations. And if translating algorithm does 30 iterations, i'm sure, that interpolating is faster:)

    And indeed, both of algorithm needs for more clear description:)

      Jdev14:23, 17 November 2011

      Also, which open source bot is implement translating PIF? May be code will be more clear for me

        Jdev14:27, 17 November 2011

        My Samekh definitely did, though my code is messy. Shadow's translating PIF version is available at oldwiki:DrussGT/HelpRequests. Glacier probably using this too.

        The reason translating version is faster because in each iteration it doesn't have to do any trig, just simple addition. Trig only involve in battlefield rotation (at the beginning and at the end). This is the reason this version is faster.

          Nat Pavasant14:48, 17 November 2011