Errors when minimized

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Errors when minimized

I've noticed that Gilgalad will sometimes throw a lot of ArrayIndexOUtOfBounds exceptions at the start of the first round when I pause robocode, hit restart, minimize, and unpause from the "Gilgalad console" window. However, it never happens if I start the battle from robocode, and then minimize it. Also, I saw some strangely low scores against Raiko mini in local tests (one as low as 15%) which may be related. I'll try to test on different JVM's, OS's and machines in the next few days, but I was wondering if you had any idea why minimizing the robocode window would do this?

    AW (talk)15:34, 20 June 2013

    Minimizing the window puts the engine in max speed. Might affect skipped turn detection.

      MN (talk)20:19, 20 June 2013

      Yeah, speed is the only thing I can think of. You aren't doing any threading or anything like that, are you? Because it could be something like race conditions if you are. Where is the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds being thrown from? I suggest you do try/catch around all errors, and write them to disk so you can check them out later.

      Also, avoid testing against Raiko (mini) if you can because it saves data. Rather test against RaikoMicro, or do something about that data-saving, like modifying Raiko or deleting the files each time.

        Skilgannon (talk)10:56, 21 June 2013